12/08/2010 DIY/reuse/recycle/3D/Instal/FoundObj/ETC.

3 Responses to “12/08/2010 DIY/reuse/recycle/3D/Instal/FoundObj/ETC.”

  1. jenkins488 September 29, 2010 at 11:32 am #

    This group includes Kent, Hansa, Britt, Blythe

  2. brittanieis5feettall October 12, 2010 at 8:26 pm #

    hey guys, so I’m having trouble coming up with something so far in advance, but I know we need to get Drea an outline tomorrow. I’m totally willing to type it up between 430 and 6 tomorrow, if y’all have any ideas. What exactly constitutes DIY if craft is somewhere else anyway? Any thoughts on recycled materials? I’m sorry I’m not being terribly helpful. Just post a random word if you want, and I’ll run with it. Peas!! see y’all tomorrow

  3. hansajg October 13, 2010 at 5:39 pm #

    This is a group proposal for our DIY/Reuse/Recycle/Found Objects workshop:

    For this workshop, we want to do something that is more about the tangible activity of making an installation/sculpture piece through found objects. We are interested in the intuitive aspect of making something from found objects while learning about different ways of reusing and recycling them.

    One week before our workshop, we will ask everyone to bring in 5 found objects that they find interesting from their everyday life. If they forget, it really will not be detrimental—they could always look in the recycling bin in the classroom or around the school to find their objects.

    At the beginning of class, we will find some way to give students the opportunity to barter for different objects for about 10-15 minutes. Hopefully, they will set up their own mini-economy. After that, we will all get to work. Group members will provide glue, hot glue, string, tape etc. for assembling the objects. We will ask the class to choose a medium to start, whether it is sculpture, installation, paper making or something else. We will have different stations to work on different processes. Kent will work with people who would like to do sculpture pieces. Hansa will work with people who would like to do installation work. Britt will work with people who are interested in paper making. Blythe will be in charge of everything else.

    At the end of our workshop, everyone will have created one piece of work from the found objects incorporating all of their objects.

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